This year’s, A Christmas Story Christmas has been presented as the official sequel to the 1983 contemporary classic, despite a few other pieces of media that have come out over the last twenty to thirty years which could make the vie for the honor. My wife, Erin the Tie Dye Librarian, was the first member of my family to screen the new movie which sees Ralphie Parker, now the Dad in his own household and wanting to deliver to the perfect Christmas to his family. She couldn’t say enough good things about it so I, someone who is a bit cautious around reboots and long-awaited sequels, sat down with her to take it in. It was really good all the way through, but I was really affected by the very, very end of the film.
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Special Bonus Episode "A Christmas Story…
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This year’s, A Christmas Story Christmas has been presented as the official sequel to the 1983 contemporary classic, despite a few other pieces of media that have come out over the last twenty to thirty years which could make the vie for the honor. My wife, Erin the Tie Dye Librarian, was the first member of my family to screen the new movie which sees Ralphie Parker, now the Dad in his own household and wanting to deliver to the perfect Christmas to his family. She couldn’t say enough good things about it so I, someone who is a bit cautious around reboots and long-awaited sequels, sat down with her to take it in. It was really good all the way through, but I was really affected by the very, very end of the film.